The Sustainable Development Panel

of Montanuniversität Leoben

"Montanuniversität Leoben’s scientific as well as administrative staff is committed to sustainability in its three pillars of economic, ecological and social sustainability. In the day to day university life and especially in the areas of research, teaching and further education, sustainability knowledge and responsible behavior within a comprehensive sustainability strategy is passed on to the university’s students."

Sustainable Development Panel's vision

In 2019, the Sustainable Development Panel (SDP) was founded at Montanuniversität Leoben to deal with the implementation of sustainable development in the areas of research, teaching and in the university organization . The panel is a consortium of dedicated professors and staff members interested in sustainability. It works to centrally organize developments and activities related to sustainability, as well as to stimulate and initiate new initiatives. At its foundation, the vision and goals of the SDP were set out in a position paper.

The Team


Helmut Antrekowitsch

Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy


Hubert Biedermann

Chair of Economic and Business Management


Susanne Feiel

Resources Innovation Center


Clemens Holzer

Chair of Polymer Processing


Thomas Kienberger

Chair of Energy Network Technology


Markus Lehner

Chair of Process Technology and Industrial Environmental Protection


Andreas Ludwig

Chair of Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes


Christian Mitterer

Chair of Functional Materials and Materials Systems


Peter Moser

Chair of mining engineering and mineral economics


Holger Ott

Chair of Reservoir Engineering


Oskar Paris

Chair of Physics


Roland Pomberger

Chair of Waste Processing Technology and Waste Management


Christoph Rameshan

Chair of Physical Chemistry


Anna Meyer

Resources Innovation Center
Editorial Management TripleN Magazine


Bianca Brandstätter

Chair of Reservoir Engineering
Coordination TripleN Talks


Robert Obenaus-Emler

Resources Innovation Center

Portrait of Wolfgang Posch from the Chair of Economics and Management Sciences.

Wolfgang Posch

Chair of Economic and Business Management

Portrait of Gerald Feichtinger from the Chair of Economics and Management Sciences.

Gerald Feichtinger

Chair of Economic and Business Management