TripleN - the sustainability initiative of Montanuniversität Leoben – was created by the Sustainable Development Panel and bundles all efforts of the university to promote a sustainable development of the planet. However, as stated in SDG 17 "Partnerships for the Goals", partnerships are needed to promote and achieve sustainable development. Therefore, TripleN cooperates with these initiatives:

Resources Innovation Center Leoben (RIC)
The Resources Innovation Center Leoben supports Montanuniversität Leoben in international projects in the fields of sustainability, raw materials and education. The vision of the RIC is to support the creation of a sustainable future. Thereby the topics are: Raw materials, climate protection and sustainability at the university. The center works towards making a valuable contribution to the global goal - a sustainable planet earth.

European University on Responsible Consumption and Production (EURECA-PRO)
EURECA-PRO consists of seven universities with different specializations: four technical universities, two full universities and one university of applied sciences. This interdisciplinary and novel approach with a thematic focus on SDG 12 "Responsible Consumption and Production" is the flagship of the university network. Furthermore, the alliance ensures an effective contribution to the transformation of the European Higher Education Area with the involvement of SGD 4 "Quality Education".
Further information about EURECA-PRO

Alliance of Sustainable Universities
The Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria is a national association of 18 Austrian universities which form a unique network with the common goal of sustainable development. In 2018, Montanuniversität Leoben joined and has since been active in various working groups. For more information on the university’s participation in the Alliance, please contact Anna Meyer (

UniNEtZ - Universities and Sustainable Development Goals
In the UniNEtZ project, scientists and artists from 18 partner institutions have joined forces to present options on how the UN Sustainable Development Goals can be implemented. In the period 2019-2021, they worked on an options report to support the Austrian government in implementing the SDGs.

Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA)
The Climate Change Centre Austria was founded in 2011 and has since been a successful network for climate research in Austria. It defines itself as a contact point for research, politics, media and the public on all issues related to climate research in Austria and thus promotes a sustainable climate dialogue. The center uniquely combines an office, a data center and service center and operates sites in Graz and Vienna. The CCCA does not conduct any research itself, but sees itself as a coordinating institution.
Further information about the CCCA

Disaster Competence Network (DCNA)
The Disaster Competence Network Austria - DCNA is an academic contact and cooperation partner for aid and emergency organisations as well as decision-makers from the public and private sectors. The aim of the DNCA is to transfer scientific knowledge into practice. This is achieved through cooperative research and educational activities carried out in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, as well as the provision of decision-relevant information and a mobile research infrastructure in the event of a disaster.

Lectures 4 Future (L4F)
The interdisciplinary lecture series of Scientists for Future offers all interested parties current insights into scientific work on the climate crisis, the environment and society.